Monday, October 18, 2010

Dancing with the Stars

The other night, we had the TV on ABC and right after dinner Dancing With the Stars came on.  Tatum had never seen it before and almost immediately she ran to her room, grabbed her "tutu" and insisted we put it on her.

She danced all around the living room, over and over, as the different couples competed.  It was precious!  She even asked us to play the dances over and over.

We're thinking maybe this little lady will be a ballerina for Halloween??  Easy costume!

And every time she puts her "tutu" on, she reminds me that Ainsley, our neighbor, gave it to her.  Tatum will say, "Ainsley gave this to me.  She's so nice."

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

Sooooo cute! Granny (zach's mom) loves that show. She never misses an episode!