Thursday, October 14, 2010

Picasso & Her Box

My little artist had such a fun time painting a "masterpiece" for Raleigh's room!

We wanted to include her even more in all the changes going on lately and I grabbed a two-pack of canvases at Hobby Lobby and some acrylic paints so she could make her mark on Raleigh's room.

She was SO excited to paint and I have to say, she did a wonderful job!  It looks awesome in his room and she proudly points it out to anyone who comes over.

Tatum painted the other canvas for her room.  I've yet to get a picture of it, but I'll share when I do.

The chair we bought for Raleigh's room came in the perfect sized box for a little girl who claimed it as her "house".

It was too big to come in the house in one piece, so we played with it over the weekend and then took it to school so the kiddos could play with it together.  Simple joys...


Mrs Gray said...

I love that you took it to school! I had a box in my dramatic play center one year. The kids absolutely loved it! (Was there ever a doubt?)

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

so so cute! i love her masterpiece!