Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring

We had some serious rain a few weeks ago.  It was all thanks to Hermine.

After huge rains, we like to drive to the two low water crossings on our street to check out the Blanco.  These pictures were taken several hours after the last line of storms.

Hidden Valley

Usually, this low water crossing is dry, with only water passing under the bridge.  The water is also clear, all the way to the bottom... usually.

The sound of the rushing water is so frightening and powerful.

The water line is typically about 20 feet to the right of the tree in the above picture.

There is just something about standing so close to something so dangerous that makes me feel like I'm going to spontaneously fall forward into the water.   I know that sounds crazy, but do you know what I mean?

Little Arkansas

We headed downstream to the next low water crossing.  This bridge is usually dry as well, with the water only passing below it.

It's kind of hard to tell, but the actual bridge is down the hill from where the picture below was taken.

Tatum kept telling us, "That's A LOT of water!"

She thoroughly enjoyed splashing in the puddles.

The above picture perfectly shows our baby's personality.

Luckily, even with these two crossing closed, our street and the way out of our "neighborhood" don't flood... for as long.  It was impassable at a wet weather creek  for about an hour this time around.  

Good thing Tatum and I were home all day and there was no need to go anywhere!

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